Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ladder Tool


  • place hands on alternating handle bars
  • the machine should be high enough so that the shoulder that is up (forward flexion) starts to feel the stretch in the muscle.
  • the other shoulder that is not in extension, should be in front of you.
  • you should be about arms length away from the machine, so that the shoulder that isn't up, is straight in front of you.
  • Pull down the ladder tool by bending (flexing) the elbow and pulling the shoulder down (extension), this part of your body is doing all the work.
  • Start to let go of the other handle with your other hand as you are pulling down the ladder.
  • Glenohumeral Joint:
    • Pectoralis major upper fibers in sagittal plane to flex joint and reach for ladder.
    • Deltoid anterior fibers in sagittal plane to flex joint and reach for ladder.
    • Pectoralis major lower fibers, concentrically, in sagittal plane to extend joint to pull down ladder.
    • Subscapularis, concentrically, in sagittal plane to extend joint to pull down ladder.
    • Latissimus dorsi, concentrically, in sagittal plane to extend joint to pull down ladder.
    • Teres major, concentrically, in sagittal plane to extend joint to pull down ladder.
    • Teres minor, concentrically, in sagittal plane to extend joint to pull down ladder.
  • Elbow/ Radioulnar Joints:
    • Biceps brachii long head, concentrically, in sagittal plane to flex elbow to pull down ladder.
    • Biceps brachii short head, in sagittal plane to flex elbow to pull down ladder.
    • Brachialis, in sagittal plane to flex elbow to pull down ladder.
    • Brachioradialis, in sagittal plane to flex elbow to pull down ladder.
    • Triceps brachii long head in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
    • Triceps brachii lateral head in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
    • Triceps brachii medial head in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
    • Anconeus in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
  • Wrist/ Hand Joints:
    • Flexor carpi radialis in sagittal plane to slightly flex wrist when grabbing for ladder.
    • Palmaris longus in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
    • Flexer carpi ulnaris in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
    • Flexor digitorium  superficialis in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
    • Flexor digitorium profundus in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
    • Flexor pollicis longus in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
    • Extensor carpi ulnaris in sagittal plane to extend wrist to pull ladder down.
    • Extensor carpi radialis brevis in sagittal plane to extend wrist to pull ladder down.
    • Extensor carpi radialis longus in sagittal plane to extend wrist to pull ladder down.
    • Extensor digitorum in sagittal plane to extend wrist to pull ladder down.
    • Extensor pollicis longus in sagittal plane to extend wrist to pull ladder down.
    • Flexor digitorum superficialis, concentrically, to flex fingers around handles of ladder.
    • Flexor pollicis longus, concentrically, to flex fingers around handles of ladder.
    • Extensor digitorum in sagittal plane to extend fingers to let go of handles of ladder.
    • Extensor indicis in sagittal plane to extend fingers to let go of handles of ladder.
    • Extensor digiti minimi in sagittal plane to extend fingers to let go of handles of ladder.
    • Extensor pollicis longus in sagittal plane to extend fingers to let go of handles of ladder.
    • Extensor pollicis brevis in sagittal plane to extend fingers to let go of handles of ladder.


  •  shoulder that was originally in the up position  should now be in front of you.
  • shoulder that was originally in front of you, should now be in the up position.

  • now arms should be in the opposite places than where they originally started from.
  • continue the steps for three minutes.

Drill/ Home Exercise:
The following is a home exercise to help with shoulder flexion.

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