Monday, March 14, 2011

Knee Extension Tool


  • Sit in chair with knees flexed over side.
  • ankle harness should be around the ankle.
  • bulb of the tool should be at knee.

  • left leg up by straightening (extending) the knee.
  • Knee Joint:
    • rectus femoris in sagittal plane, concentrically, to extend knee.
    • vastus intermedius in sagittal plane, concentrically, to extend knee.
    • vastus lateralis in sagittal plane, concentrically, to extend knee.
    • vastus medalis in sagittal plance, concentrically, to extend knee.
  • slowly put leg back down by bending (flexing) the knee.
  • Knee Joint:
    • Bicep femoris in sagittal plane, eccentrically, to control flexing of the knee.
    • popiteus in sagittal plane, eccentrically, to control flexing of the knee.
    • semimembranous in sagittal plane, eccentrically, to control flexing of the knee.
    • semitendinous in sagittal plane, eccentrically, to control flexing of the knee.

Drill/ Stretch:
The following is a home exercise one could do to stretch their hamstring muscle that is used for the knee extension tool.

Lever Tool


  • elbow should be extended
  • shoulder should be flexed
  • should be arms length away from the lever
  • pull lever towards you
  • shoulder should go down slightly (depression)
  • elbow should bend (flexion)
  • Shoulder Girdle:
    • pectoralis minor in frontal plane, eccentrically, for depression of shoulder.
    • trapezius lower fibers in frontal plane, eccentrically, for depression of shoulder.
  • Elbow/ Radioulnar Joints:
    • biceps brachii long head in sagittal plane, concentrically, for elbow flexion.
    • biceps brachii short head in sagittal plane, concentrically, for elbow flexion.
    • brachialis in sagittal plane, concentrically, for elbow flexion.
    • brachioradialis in sagittal plane, concentrically, for elbow flexion.
    • pronator teres, isometrically, in transverse plane to keep forearm slightly pronated.
  • Wrist/ Hand Joints:
    • flexor digitorium superficialis, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep fingers flexed around tool.
    • flexor digitorum profundus, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep fingers flexed around tool.
  • slowly release lever back to original position.
  • shoulder should elevate slightly.
  • elbow should extend.
  • Shoulder Girdle:
    • Trapezius upper fibers in frontal plane, concentrically, for elevation of shoulder.
    • Trapezius middle fibers in frontal plane, concentrically, for elevation of shoulder.
    • Rhomboids in frontal plane, concentrically, for elevation of shoulder.
    • Levator scapulae in frontal plane, concentrically, for elevation of shoulder.
  • Elbow/ Radioulnar Joints:
    • Triceps brachii long head in sagittal plane, eccentrically, to control extension of elbow.
    • Triceps brachii lateral head in sagittal plane, eccentrically, to control extension of elbow.
    • Triceps brachii medial head in sagittal plane, eccentrically, to control extension of elbow.
    • Anconeus in sagittal plane, eccentrically, to control extension of elbow.
  • Wrist/ Hand Joints:
    • flexor digitorum superficialis, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep fingers flexed around tool.
    • Flexor digitorum profundus, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep fingers flexed around tool.

Drill/ Home Exercise:
The following is a home exercise one could use to flex elbow.

Wheel Tool


  • Right arm should be above left arm.
  • elbow of right arm should be bent (flexed) at about 45 degrees and wrist should be slightly abducted.
  • elbow of left arm should be slightly bent (flexed) and wrist should be adducted slightly.
  • right shoulder should be slightly flexed.
  • left shoulder should be relaxed.

  • Pull wheel down by using your right arm.
  • Right shoulder should extend slightly and right elbow should flex more.
  • Let right arm do the work, left arm should just be following through.
  • Glenohumeral Joint:
    • pectoralis major lower fibers, concentrically, in sagittal plane to pull down wheel by slightly extending shoulders.
    • suscapularis, concentrically, in sagittal plane  to pull down wheel by slightly extending shoulders.
    • latissimus dorsi, concentrically, in sagittal plane to pull down wheel by slightly extending shoulders.
    • teres major, concentrically, in sagittal plane to pull down wheel by slightly extending shoulders.
    • teres minor, concentrically,in sagittal plane  to pull down wheel by slightly extending shoulders.
  • Elbow/ Radioulnar Joints:
    • Biceps brachii long head, concentrically, in sagittal plane to flex elbow.
    • Biceps brachii short head, concentrically, in sagittal plane to flex elbow.
    • Brachialis, concentrically, in sagittal plane to flex elbow.
    • Brachioradialis, concentrically, in sagittal plane to flex elbow.
  • Wrist/ Hand Joints:
    • Flexor carpi radialis, concentrically, in frontal plane to slightly abduct wrist.
    • Extensor carpi radialis brevis, concentrically, in frontal plane to slightly abduct wrist.
    • Extensor carpi radialis longus, concentrically, in frontal plane to slightly abduct wrist.
    • Extensor pollicis longus, concentrically, in frontal plane to slightly abduct wrist.
    • Extensor pollicis brevis, concentrically, in frontal plane to slightly abduct wrist.
    • Abductor pollicis longus, concentrically, in frontal plane to slightly abduct wrist.
    • Flexor digitorum superficialis, concentrically, to flex fingers to grab the wheel.
    • Flexor digitorum profundus, concentrically, to flex fingers to grab the wheel.
    • Extensor digitorum for fingers to let go of wheel.
    • Extensor indicis for fingers to let go of wheel.
    • Extensor digiti minimi for fingers to let go of wheel.

  • alternate arms when pulling down the wheel.
  • slowly release the wheel in the opposite direction.
  • shoulders should flex slightly and elbow should extend slightly.
  • Glenohumeral Joint:
    • Pectoralis major upper fibers, eccentrically, in sagittal plane to control flexion of shoulder.
    • Deltoid anterior fibers, eccentrically, in sagittal plane to control flexion of shoulder.
  • Elbow/ Radioulnar Joints:
    • Triceps brachii long head, eccentrically, in sagittal plane to control extension of elbow.
    • Triceps brachii lateral head, eccentrically, in sagittal plane to control extension of elbow.
    • Triceps brachii medial head, eccentrically, in sagittal plane to control extension of elbow.
    • Anconeus, eccentrically, in sagittal plane to control extension of elbow.
  • Wrist/ Hand Joints:
    • Flexor carpi ulnaris, eccentrically, in frontal plane to slightly adduct wrist.
    • Extensor carpi ulnaris, eccentrically, in frontal plane to slightly adduct wrist.
    • Flexor digitorum superficialis, concentrically, to flex fingers to grab the wheel.
    • Flexor digitorum profundus, concentrically, to flex fingers to grab the wheel.
    • Extensor digitorum for fingers to let go of wheel.
    • Extensor indicis for fingers to let go of wheel.
    • Extensor digiti minimi for fingers to let go of wheel.
  •  alternate arms while releasing the wheel in the opposite direction.

Drill/ Home Exercise:
The following is the arm bike that will help get the shoulders moving and alternating.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Screwdriver Tool


  • place hand on screwdriver with fingers wrapping around the handle.
  • the machine should be high enough so that the elbow is bent(flexed) at about 90 degrees.
  • shoulder should be relaxed.
  • wrist is slightly turned to the right (supination)
  • rotate wrist to the right (supination) slightly so that you are rotating the screwdriver
  • elbow should stay flexed
  • shoulder should stay relaxed
  • Elbow/ Radioulnar Joints:
    • Biceps brachii long head, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep elbow flexed.
    • Biceps brachii short head, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep elbow flexed.
    • Brachialis, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep elbow flexed.
    • Brachioradialis, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep elbow flexed.
    • Biceps brachii long head, concentrically, in transverse plane to supinate forearm.
    • Biceps brachii short head, concentrically, in transverse plane to supinate forearm.
    • Supinator, concentrically, in transverse plane to supinate forearm. 
  • Wrist/ Hand Joints:
    • Flexor digitorum superficialis, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep fingers flexed to hold on to screwdriver.
    • Flexor digitorum profundus, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep fingers flexed to hold on to screwdriver.
    • Flexor pollicis longus, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep fingers flexed to hold on to screwdriver.
  • control rotating your wrist back to original position (pronation).
  • elbow should stay flexed.
  • shoulder should stay relaxed.
  • Elbow/ Radioulnar Joints:
    • Pronator teres, eccentrically, in transverse plane to control the pronation forearm.
    • Pronator quadratus, eccentrically, in transverse plane to control the pronation forearm.
  • Wrist/ Hand Joints:
    • Flexor digitorum superficialis, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep fingers flexed to hold on to screwdriver.
    • Flexor digitorum profundus, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep fingers flexed to hold on to screwdriver.
    • Flexor pollicis longus, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep fingers flexed to hold on to screwdriver.

Drill/ Home Exercise:
The following is a home exercise to help with pronation and supination of the forearm.

    Ladder Tool


    • place hands on alternating handle bars
    • the machine should be high enough so that the shoulder that is up (forward flexion) starts to feel the stretch in the muscle.
    • the other shoulder that is not in extension, should be in front of you.
    • you should be about arms length away from the machine, so that the shoulder that isn't up, is straight in front of you.
    • Pull down the ladder tool by bending (flexing) the elbow and pulling the shoulder down (extension), this part of your body is doing all the work.
    • Start to let go of the other handle with your other hand as you are pulling down the ladder.
    • Glenohumeral Joint:
      • Pectoralis major upper fibers in sagittal plane to flex joint and reach for ladder.
      • Deltoid anterior fibers in sagittal plane to flex joint and reach for ladder.
      • Pectoralis major lower fibers, concentrically, in sagittal plane to extend joint to pull down ladder.
      • Subscapularis, concentrically, in sagittal plane to extend joint to pull down ladder.
      • Latissimus dorsi, concentrically, in sagittal plane to extend joint to pull down ladder.
      • Teres major, concentrically, in sagittal plane to extend joint to pull down ladder.
      • Teres minor, concentrically, in sagittal plane to extend joint to pull down ladder.
    • Elbow/ Radioulnar Joints:
      • Biceps brachii long head, concentrically, in sagittal plane to flex elbow to pull down ladder.
      • Biceps brachii short head, in sagittal plane to flex elbow to pull down ladder.
      • Brachialis, in sagittal plane to flex elbow to pull down ladder.
      • Brachioradialis, in sagittal plane to flex elbow to pull down ladder.
      • Triceps brachii long head in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
      • Triceps brachii lateral head in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
      • Triceps brachii medial head in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
      • Anconeus in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
    • Wrist/ Hand Joints:
      • Flexor carpi radialis in sagittal plane to slightly flex wrist when grabbing for ladder.
      • Palmaris longus in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
      • Flexer carpi ulnaris in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
      • Flexor digitorium  superficialis in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
      • Flexor digitorium profundus in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
      • Flexor pollicis longus in sagittal plane to extend elbow to reach for ladder.
      • Extensor carpi ulnaris in sagittal plane to extend wrist to pull ladder down.
      • Extensor carpi radialis brevis in sagittal plane to extend wrist to pull ladder down.
      • Extensor carpi radialis longus in sagittal plane to extend wrist to pull ladder down.
      • Extensor digitorum in sagittal plane to extend wrist to pull ladder down.
      • Extensor pollicis longus in sagittal plane to extend wrist to pull ladder down.
      • Flexor digitorum superficialis, concentrically, to flex fingers around handles of ladder.
      • Flexor pollicis longus, concentrically, to flex fingers around handles of ladder.
      • Extensor digitorum in sagittal plane to extend fingers to let go of handles of ladder.
      • Extensor indicis in sagittal plane to extend fingers to let go of handles of ladder.
      • Extensor digiti minimi in sagittal plane to extend fingers to let go of handles of ladder.
      • Extensor pollicis longus in sagittal plane to extend fingers to let go of handles of ladder.
      • Extensor pollicis brevis in sagittal plane to extend fingers to let go of handles of ladder.


    •  shoulder that was originally in the up position  should now be in front of you.
    • shoulder that was originally in front of you, should now be in the up position.

    • now arms should be in the opposite places than where they originally started from.
    • continue the steps for three minutes.

    Drill/ Home Exercise:
    The following is a home exercise to help with shoulder flexion.

    Hand Gripper Tool


    • place hand on tool with thumb on the bar closest to your body and the other four fingers on the bar furthest away from your body.
    • The height of the machine should be in such a way that the elbow is bent(flexed) at about 100 degrees.
    • shoulder should be relaxed.
    • Squeeze the bar furthest from  your body by bending (flexing) your four fingers, to the bar that is closest to you.
    • keep elbow flexed in the same position.
    • keep shoulder in the same position.
    • only use your fingers.
    • Elbow/ Radioulnar Joints:
      • Bicep brachii long head, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep elbow flexed.
      • Bicep brachii short head, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep elbow flexed.
      • Brachialis, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep elbow flexed.
      • Brachioradialis, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep elbow flexed.
    • Wrist/ Hand Joints:
      • Flexor digitorum superficialis, concentrically, in sagittal plane to flex fingers.
      • Flexor digitorum profundus, concentrically, in sagittal plane to flex fingers.
      • Flexor pollicis longus, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep thumb flexed.
    • slowly release and control your hand/finger opening(extension) until its back into original position.
    • shoulder and elbow should not move.
    • only fingers should be moving.
    • Elbow/ Radioulnar Joints:
      • Bicep brachii long head, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep elbow flexed.
      • Bicep brachii short head, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep elbow flexed.
      • Brachialis, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep elbow flexed.
      • Brachioradialis, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep elbow flexed.
    • Wrist/ Hand Joints:
      • Flexor pollicis longus, isometrically, in sagittal plane to keep thumb flexed.
      • Extensor digitorum, eccentrically, in sagittal plane to extend fingers.
      • Extensor indicis, eccentrically, in sagittal plane to extend fingers.
      • Extensor digiti minimi, eccentrically, in sagittal plane to extend fingers.

    Drill/ Home Exercise:
    The following is a home exercise to help with gripping; flexion and extension of the fingers.